Fast Track partner Marcel A.J. Somers, DTU, has been awarded with the title "Fellow of ASM International" (American Society of Metals). The Fellow recognition is an annual award, where scientists and industry leaders are honored for their unique contributions to the field of materials science and engineering. Marcel is one of the three non-US scientists to be awarded this year, out of a total of 22 Fellows.
The title is granted for ”Sustained, innovative and outstanding contributions to the field of thermochemical surface engineering through fundamental and applied research, teaching, and transfer of technology to practice." About the acknowledgement, Marcel Somers says: ”It is a grand acknowledgement of the contribution of research and the innovative- and teaching work done by the skilled people around. It means a lot to me, because it underlines that the collaboration between fundamental and applied research, innovation and teaching, which is within my field of research and of DTU in general, is internationally recognized as being world class”.
To read DTU’s own coverage of the award, see
For more information about Fellows of ASM, see